Education Family Love Preschool School Valentine's Day

New Ways of Sharing the Love with Little Ones this Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to teach your little ones how to share the love with everyone in their life. Everyone deserves some love this season, from the neighbor down the street, to the grade school teacher, to others in your community. Here are FIVE ways to show love this Valentine’s Day.

1. One of the best ways you can encourage your child to show love to those in the community is to deliver handmade crafts to those who might not receive much on Valentine’s Day. Choose from one of these amazingly easy crafts and take them over to your local nursing home or children’s hospital. Share with your child how much it will mean to those individuals to receive something so special, and how easy it is to spread the love- even with a simple craft!

2. Pets need some love too this Valentine’s day! Use this recipe for homemade dog treats and deliver them to your local shelter, or you can bring along used blankets, pet toys, or any other pet materials you may have on hand. Call ahead of time and find out your local shelter’s policies on children interacting with the animals. Who knows – they may even let you cuddle a kitty while you’re there.

3. When you look around your community, you’ll realize there are lots of people who could use some love this Valentine’s day. Make a list with your child of who those people might be in your community and buy a batch of single stem flowers to share with them. Some examples include your neighborhood postal worker, trash collector, your teacher, or your local barista!  Pro tip: Do this a day or two before Valentine’s Day to avoid the dreaded “empty buckets” at your local flower shop, or find a blooming field nearby (if spring comes early in your neck of the woods) and pick your favorite wildflowers! Keep it fun and easy for the whole family!

4. Make a Valentine treat for your neighbors or nearby friends. Everyone loves something sweet on Valentine’s day! Think cookies, brownies, cake pops, or any other sweet treat your little one would love to make. Explain to them while you’re mixing the ingredients who you’ll be giving these treats to, and ask them how they hope it will make those individuals feel when they enjoy them.

5. With the excitement of potential valentines, treats, and the feeling of love in the air, it can be easy to forget to show love to those right in front of you. Gather the whole family at breakfast or dinner to share attributes you love about each family member. As you do this, write the “love-ly” sentiments on a heart-shaped card or pink construction paper for each family member to hold onto. Encourage your child to share the distinct qualities they love about each family member. For example, instead of “I love that Daddy kills bad spiders”, help them to reframe the sentiment as “I love that Daddy protects me.”

We hope you and your kiddos have fun with these easy crafts and activities that show love in all of its wild ways this holiday, and every day. Those of us at Theory Preschools hope you have a Valentine’s Day filled with lots of ooey gooey love and joy

Business Opportunity Childcare Franchise Preschool

5 Reasons You Should Buy a Preschool Franchise

If you are here, that means you have started looking into purchasing a franchise. Franchises are a great way to start a business. You get to open a business that is proven without having to go through all of the growing pains that a person would typically face when starting a business from the ground up. It’s a business in a box, with a support team behind it, ready to help you be successful.

As you know, there are a great number of franchises out there to choose from in a variety of industries. If you want to run a food business, a tutoring business, a gym, a massage business, or an ice cream shop, truly the franchise opportunities are endless.

Your budget will dictate what types of franchises you are most interested in, as there is a HUGE range in the average cost of franchises as well.

Throughout all of your research, you most likely have not even thought about considering a preschool franchise. If you have, kudos to you! A preschool franchise is an amazing opportunity for you and your family. It may just be THE business you have been looking for.

So, why should you consider a preschool franchise?

Here are five reasons why a preschool franchise could be the right fit for you:

  1. Relatively low financial risk.
    The high demand of the service preschools provide and the nature of the revenue stream make them a relatively low-risk business to invest in.
  2. Family friendly.
    A preschool business is probably one of the most family friendly businesses you can be in. Not only can your children be on site with you, but your business hours are only Monday through Friday leaving time to pursue weekend excursions as well as be involved in weekend sporting and other family activities.
  3. Filling a need.
    In today’s business climate most people are looking for a way to do something that positively impacts the communities they live in. A preschool business does just that, providing essential services for community members, parents and grandparents.
  4. Preschools are needed everywhere.
    No matter what state, county or city you live in, child care is needed. Parents need someone they can trust to lovingly care for their children while they are at work. If you are fortunate enough to own a high quality child care that also is a preschool, parents will rely on you even more, as the service you provide is essential for ensuring their child is ready for kindergarten.
  5. Preschools are practically recession proof.
    This sounds like a crazy claim, but the fact of the matter is that it is true. No matter the economic climate, parents still need a reliable source of child care. We know from personal experience that the child care industry is a fairly stable one. We successfully navigated and grew through the recession of 2008, and we continue to grow as we work our way through the pandemic of 2020.

As you can see, there are many reasons to consider a preschool franchise when looking for the right business industry for you and your family. We have never regretted opening that first preschool back in 2006. It was the best decision we could have ever made for ourselves, for family and for our communities. Should you be interested in learning more about how to bring a Theory Preschool to your neighborhood just send us an email, give us a call or fill out the “Contact Us” form on the website. We look forward to sharing our business with you.

Business Childcare Education Family Preschool

How to Create a Preschool Environment Parents Love

One of the first lessons we learned when opening our corporate schools was the importance of how parents and other caregivers entering and exiting our school perceived what was happening in our school throughout the day. Although most parents only spend an average of 5 minutes in our schools, twice a day, we realized that it was during those 10 minutes that they were formulating their opinions of our school, our curriculum and our staff. If parents encountered an inkling of chaos at pick-up time, then they would many times assume that there was chaos throughout the day.

So what can we do to make sure those magical 10 minutes are always perceived in the manner we want them to be?

It’s all about the 5 senses…

If you pay attention to what parents see, hear, feel, smell and taste (yes, even taste) when they walk through the doors of your school, you will quickly understand how (and why) they form the perceptions they do.

So let’s go over each of the traditional 5 senses and how they can help you create an atmosphere of preschool bliss:


Sight is incredibly important. When a parent walks through your door you want them to see: a neatly, dressed, smiling staff member or teacher, an organized entry, items playfully arranged for their child to engage in upon arrival, teachers positively interacting with other children and a clean and organized classroom. How do you think a parent perceives your school if they are greeted each day with a mess, a stressed out teacher and children screaming in the background? I am sure you can only imagine.


Smell is a sense that is easy to ignore, especially in our profession. If you have children who are potty training and in diapers, this is particularly of importance to you. Make sure that you have a procedure for taking out dirty diapers on a regular basis, and flushing toilets. Those smells tend to linger and I am sure you don’t want them around any longer than they need to be. Another tip; install some eco-friendly, non-toxic, air fresheners in safe (and strategic places) throughout your school. A pleasing smell will make a great impression on your parents. During the holiday season it is also fun to have some mulled spices on the stove (safely away from students of course). They fill your school with an amazing smell and conjure images of home for both students and parents alike.


Our sense of hearing is just as important as sight and smell. When parents walk into your school, what do they hear? Are children (and teachers) yelling? Is there an abundance of noise? When walking into a school parents should hear: soft music playing in the background (something fitting to the time of day), the murmur of the soft voices of children engaged in the learning process, and maybe even the kind voice of a teacher comforting a child who is missing their mom or dad. If parents are arriving while you are playing outside with your class, then parents will want to hear: laughter, shrieks of joy and appropriate preschool banter. Always make sure that parents are being greeted by a teacher or staff member when they walk through your doors. A quick, “Hello! How are you?” will create a lasting positive impact.


That’s right! Our sense of touch is also incredibly important. Think about everything a parent touches when dropping off and signing in a child; a pen, a counter, a cubby, a door knob… and the list goes on. These surfaces should be wiped down daily (if not more often). Not only will parents love how clean your school feels, but you will be helping to keep those pesky germs away too!


You may be thinking to yourself, “Taste? How does taste come into play?” Well, think about it… what could you do in your school to ensure that parents have a pleasant “taste” experience in your school? Many of you may already provide coffee or hot cocoa to your parents in the morning. Or maybe you have a lovely tray of bagels or fruit available for parents as they head out to work. Parents will look forward to coming into your school each and every morning and enjoying a quick yummy bite or a warm cup of coffee to go.

Our five senses are amazing tools for us to take advantage of as preschool owners and directors. They can help us provide an environment that is pleasing to our staff, teachers, students and parents. As you move through your day pay attention to your senses. Talk with your teachers about what they can do to make sure those magical 10 minutes that parents are in your schools are the most sensory-appealing moments of their day.

Business Business Opportunity Childcare Education Franchise School

We Have a Theory: The Story of the Theory Preschools Name

It all started because we had theory.

We had a theory that preschool could be done differently.

That was where it began, with a theory.

It is so fitting that now after over 15 years in business we have trademarked that name, and continue to grow our business as this entity.


We love this name. We know that may sound strange. But this business is and always will be our first baby. When we initially named it, we looked for something catchy and new. We thought we had found a name that described what we envisioned our preschool would grow up to be. But as it grew, the business showed us that its original name no longer fit. We realized that we needed a name that clearly represented the inner workings of our methods and philosophies. We wanted a name that showed people not only that our school was somehow unique, but one that invited all people, of every race, shape, religion and color to come in and be at home.


We tried on the name for awhile; sat with it. Was it enough? Did it say enough? Could it stand alone?


Theory was perfect.

We continued to move forward with trademarking our new name so that it would be protected. All of the methods, the philosophy, the design, protected. No one can take this name, or even try to pretend to be like Theory. There is the only one. We are unique in our industry.


As I sit here writing this I am still thinking about how right this name is for us.

I wonder why we did not see it before. Why we did not see this path before.

How our vision for Theory and all that it will become has grown. This is not just a business for us. It is so much more. We want to help people see that there is another way for children to learn and thrive in an educational setting. We want to help other individuals build a successful business in this amazing industry. We want Theory to continue to thrive and grow.

We have a THEORY that preschool can be this and so much more.

We hope that you will join us.


Childcare Education Family homeschool Leprechaun trap School St. Patrick's Day

Building a Leprechaun Trap for St.Patrick’s Day

My children have been making Leprechaun traps for years, and even though my two eldest are about at an age when this shouldn’t be deemed “cool,” they are still all in. Maybe it’s for the sake of my youngest… but regardless of age, this activity is just FUN.

Luckily, St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner and designing a Leprechaun trap is the perfect activity to focus on to bring some joy back into daily life.

To start some background information.

If you were unaware, Leprechauns come into the human world only once per year, on the evening of March 16th. On that evening they search the world for children who are trying to trick them with a trap (Leprechauns cannot resist a sneaky challenge). It has been our experience that they always leave evidence of their tampering with the traps either through a dusting of glitter, a knocked over trap, or maybe some green footprints. However, the very best part is that the Leprechaun leaves a special treat behind for each child. If yor child seems concerned about the well-being of the Leprechaun, you can let them know that Leprechauns are resistant to all human viruses.

Now it is time to get building!

Since Leprechauns are small you do not need to build anything too large. Just grab any cardboard box that you have lying around. Add a door, maybe a room or two, along with some tricks for your Leprechaun (they love shiny things) and you’re done.

Place the trap (or “playground” as my eldest daughter has always called her trap) somewhere that your child thinks is accessible to Leprechauns on the evening of the 16th. Once your kiddos are asleep create some Leprechaun havoc and don’t forget to leave a small treat or prize behind.

Your children will wake up excited to find what the Leprechaun has done, and will be thrilled to have received a special treat from him.

Now get going… there is not much time!

Suggested supplies:

-cardboard box



-pens or paint


-safe scissors

-anything else you have laying around (buttons, fabric, popsicle sticks, etc)

Check out these traps for some inspiration and have fun!


Business Business Opportunity Childcare Education Franchise Preschool

A Quick Guide to Starting a Preschool

Trying to start a preschool on your own can be a big task; overwhelmingly big if we’re being honest. But it doesn’t have to be! It’s a lot more than hosting your BFF’s little ones a few days a week. In order to provide the best care possible for the young minds you’re entrusted with, having a plan and a tried-and-true method is essential.

Below, we’ve listed a brief overview of the steps you’ll need to take to start your own preschool and how Theory helps relieve the stresses of planning and research.

Quick Checklist for Starting a Preschool:

1. Gauge demand for childcare in your community.

Before you begin drafting your business plan, you first need to evaluate the demand for childcare in your community. Some things to consider are:

How many preschools are there in the city or county?
What do they offer?
What core curriculum are they using?
Is there a need in the community that isn’t being met?
These are all questions to keep in mind, but don’t worry! When you partner with Theory, we take the liberty of researching those questions for you!

2. Take care of the legal details.

Every state and jurisdiction has different regulations and requirements for small businesses and preschools. Do some research to make sure you’ve got the building permits, licenses, vendors, and any other paperwork you might need filled out.

3. Write a business plan.

Easier said than done, right? Well don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. With Theory Preschool, we’ll provide our success-rate guaranteed business plan, along with all the tools and partners you’ll need to help get you started. Now that sounds pretty easy, right!?

4. Find a location and prepare your facility.

You’re going to want to have a place for the kiddos to actively learn and roam around, so finding the perfect space is crucial. With Theory Preschool, we not only provide an established business plan, we also help you build a brand new facility or find a beautiful building to lease with custom furnishings for your preschool. 

6. Create your curriculum.

An engaging curriculum is key to the success of your future students, but selecting which one fits best can be a bit overwhelming. Don’t worry though, Theory helps with that too! Our curriculum is an innovative and exciting approach based in neuroscience, based on a three-pronged strategy. Here at Theory, we believe that education empowers students to dream big and change the world, one day at a time.

7. Spread the word!

Now it’s time to market your preschool and get the word out there! Post flyers around places where parents frequent, run ads in your local newspaper, and advertise online, at local businesses and events, or host a grand opening to attract more families! When you work with Theory, we’ll provide you with an established marketing plan and team to help reach your goals and spread the exciting news!

Starting your own preschool doesn’t have to be such an overwhelming or daunting task. It should be an interactive and exciting process from the beginning stage to the grand opening.

Interested in starting your own preschool with Theory? Great! We’d love to connect with you to start making your passion a reality!


Want to learn more about opening your own Theory Preschool franchise? Fill out this form to get started: